

by Novartis Gene Therapies with support from earthware

Summary of work

Neuromuscular disorders (NMD) are rare, devastating conditions no family should have to face. Now there’s new hope. Disease-modifying therapies alongside physiotherapy may bring real benefits to children with NMD, and their families. But access to physiotherapy for the children isn’t consistent across the UK. Striving to give every child with NMD a fighting chance, we developed Flexterity. A patient app and physiotherapist portal, designed to support physiotherapists create tailored plans, and empower carers and families to follow the plan. Innovation lives in every detail of our solution. Alongside support from physiotherapists, our scientific and experiential NMD-focused physiotherapy app supports families in their child’s journey towards a more independent life. A set of physio-led exercises are selected into every child’s tailored plan by a physiotherapist on our portal. We meet most accessibility needs with a rich range of exercises, all of which include visual, text and audio representations. Inspired by the fitness industry, our exercises are timed, with a given number of repetitions. A novel way to present traditionally static exercise information in pharma. Flexterity stands with children and their families, throughout their whole NMD journey.

Judges’ comments

Flexterity had meaningful insights on patient needs. The judges found it moving, with thoughtful execution with stakeholders. It was impactful, had great clarity of objectives with real data. Overall, a very strong submission with an emotional story.